Buildings, Places, Stories: The HSF Blog
Stay up to date on HSF projects and initiatives, as well as the most pertinent preservation issues of the day by following our official blog page.

Our Haint Blue…Ain’t
The Davenport House attic has a remarkable expanse of old paint in a shade of blue that makes the space evocative. The space, we call the garret room, has been left unrestored. For the guests, who have the opportunity to see it, it is a highlight of their visit.

The House Whisperer: George Fore
If you were at the Davenport House (DH) in mid-January you could not help but notice the activity. George Fore, renown architectural conservator, came to the site to conduct an assessment of the building as part of the on-going Davenport House/Kennedy Pharmacy Evolution campaign.

HSF Receives Rare, But Familiar Piece of History
HSF Board member, Jeff Kole, recently donated a very special gift to the organization – a plaster replica of our flagship property, the Davenport House, dating back to the late 1930s.